About Us

Curated Content, Curated People

Welcome to “Nico’s Help Desk: A Weekly Grind,” where we serve up a delightful blend of Curated Content and Curated People, that’s right, in the trading and Forex world, with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of sarcasm, because Nico has no clue, but all the others do, so this is his journey on how to start.  We’ve got the ultimate recipe to make even the most serious of topics an enjoyable feast and there’s no dumb questions!

Our team of smart Forex & Crypto traders, diligently scours the net and tries various strategies in trading, handpicking only the best and the brightest ones and after putting them to the test.

Our Curated Content comes straight from the chef’s kitchen, seasoned with wit and wisdom, and cooked to perfection by our team of experts. But don’t just take our word for it! We encourage you to cross-reference, double-check, and even triple-check the information we serve up. After all, you’d be “dumb” not to be cautious when it comes to your precious investments!  That said, you should read our disclaimer below and on our site.

So sit back, relax, and let “Nico’s Help Desk” guide you on an entertaining and enlightening journey through the wild world of trading and Forex. With us, you’ll not only learn the tricks of the trade but also have a darn good laugh along the way!

Curated Articles

Stories & Articles

Curated Podcasts


Our Staff Team

Here is the A-Team, that makes this possible.

Our Staff Team

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Geek | Host

Prof Q

Professor Q


In The Press Local

Our community’s future hinges on providing our youth with quality education and essential life skills. Driven by this mission, Nico and Quentin are spearheading new initiatives at local high schools to enhance financial literacy in the upcoming year.

Our approach is to bridge the gap between academic learning and practical application. We plan to bring industry mentors into classrooms, transforming lessons on budgeting, saving, investing, and managing credit into engaging, real-life experiences. Additionally, our internship programs will offer teenagers a chance to delve into the world of finance, demystifying complex concepts through hands-on involvement.

This initiative is more than just a local endeavor; it’s a stepping stone towards a broader goal. As Forex transcends borders, so does our vision. We are starting with impactful changes in our local community, but our aspirations are global. We believe that equipping the youth with financial wisdom today lays a solid foundation for their future success. We warmly invite the community to join us in this vital mission, paving the way for the next generation’s stability and prosperity.


Welcome to our podcasting site, where we are proud to say that we don’t need or have any sponsors. This means that we are not influenced by any outside parties and are free to provide our listeners with honest and unbiased content. Our sponsor is you, the listener, and we are committed to providing you with the best possible listening experience. We also don’t ask for money or donations – we believe that you should keep your hard-earned money for yourself, whether that means treating yourself to a cup of coffee or investing in your own personal development. Our goal is to create a community where people can come together to learn, grow, and connect, without any ulterior motives or hidden agendas. So sit back, relax, and enjoy our ad-free podcasts, knowing that our only focus is providing you with the best possible content.